Monday, April 25

Hannah - Game of the Week

This game has been a favorite since it came out. It's a great shooter that, for me, isn't too hard to master. The original was amazing. Way too amazing. Usually it's hard for games to be as good the second time around, but L4D only got better. The graphics are awesome. To me I get a comic book feel, yet it has realism to it. I get terrified at time, but not so much I won't play it (unlike games like Dead Space that make me pee my pants). Controls are simple and easy. The dialog is top notch. The characters are developed enough to fall in love with them.

It can be hard to play live campaign sometime though. I tend to play on easy-normal simply for the fact that most people suck at this game and don't use team work. It is impossible to play alone, hence having 3 teammates. Once in a while you find a good group and you play all the missions in a single night. It's only happened once for me. I'd have to sum up that this is one of my favorite games ever. I never get tired of it.
Plus Ellis is amazing <3

Thursday, April 21

Hannah - Mmm Tasty

So for this blog I'm going to tell you all about my creepy, nerd love for game characters. Guys always seem to be in love with female characters from games so I thought it was my turn to swoon over pixelated people. :D Here we go!!

First, the most beautiful guy:
Nathan Drake from Uncharted
He is devine. Lighthearted and speaks his mind. Beautiful and able. He is courageous and has a little attitude. He's all rough and tumble. Mmmm. Johnny Knoxville served as the model for Drake, which explains his rugged and smoldering looks. And who else can play him in a live action movie? MARK WALBERG!! Yeah, basically I'm in love with Nathan Drake (and I haven't even played the game before). He could have been the pick for every category on this list.

The sexiest guy:
the Prince from Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
I choose the Prince because he is sexy and mysterious. And, well...who else can have Jake Gyllenhaal casted to play you in a live action movie?! His personality only adds to the appeal. His sense of humor is killer, but he still has his dark side. Simply put he is that mysterious lover all girls have a weird fantasy about.

The take home to the parents guy:
Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins
The first time I met Alistair in Dragon Age I was in love. He is the easiest romance, but by far the cutest and every girls dream. He is innocent, but strong and kind of the heir to the throne. His personality is silly, awkward and adorable, but at the same time he has a serious side.

The most adorable guy:
Ellis from Left4Dead 2
Personally, I'd marry this kid straight up. He is my personal pick for the one you'd take home to mom and dad. Adorable, silly, all-American kinda guy. He is slightly naive and tells the best stories in game that lighten the mood among all the zombie face smashing. This babycakes takes the crowns for one of my favorite characters of all time (guy or girl). He can handle a gun, drive a car like a race car driver, and bust a gut all in one day. Winner, DUH!

The one night stand guy:
Shepard (Renegade) from Mass Effect 2
Sexy can I!! I think Shepard is the perfect fit for this role. In game he can be that one night stand guy, or you can make him the perfect lover. He is fit and ready for a fight, but ready for a tussle in the sheets. He has a sort of hurting love kind of demeanor. He is the kinda guy you meet at the space bar and take home for a night. No strings attached. No need to call in the morning. He has more important issues to attend - Saving the universe for one thing.

The sexy old man:
Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4
What the heck old man!! All the characters from this game series are amazing (like Raiden), but having this old feller as the lead male (your player) is craziness. He is old, but oh so smexy. In the game he is said to be 42, not super old, but still. Most main characters are like 20-30. MGS got it right with this guy!

The best guy friend:
Joker from the Mass Effect trilogy
Originally I'd say Joker is the guy you'd take home to mom and dad, but thinking about it I'd rather just be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER wit this guy. He is so amazingly cute, but at the same time SO funny. His sarcasm is my favorite though. Throughout the game he is constantly making hilarious insights. Yet he is the most loyal character I've ever seen in a game. Apart from Samwise Gamgee, Joker is the greatest friend anyone could ask for.

The guy you'd like by your side in a fight:
Kratos from God of War
Like really...Why wouldn't you choose Kratos. He eats the gods for breakfast and it super sexy during ti all. Terrifying, yet sexy as hell. Nuff said!

There are a million more titles and characters I could put up, but I'll leave it at that. I hope you all enjoyed. Comment if you agree or disagree. I wanna know what everyone else out there thinks.

Tuesday, April 19

Vee: Fallout New Vegas Status

I've spent 74 hours, 29 minutes, and 43 seconds of my life playing New Vegas, and even though it remains to be on my top five favorite games list, I have some problems with the game: First of all, because you can pretty much explore every area, you tend to get stuck a lot, and if that happens, hopefully you've saved recently so you can reload and not lose too much. Second, I hate the vaults. They are too big and have too many rooms, which makes it so easy to get lost. They need to have an option to trail mark because i've skipped over those quests in the vaults.

I generally don't look things up online for help during gameplay, but these are a few things I had to get more information on:

1. How to make people's pants explode (there's a counter for this on your stats) : pick pocket someone, and instead of taking an item, place a grenade in their pocket...and they explode :)

2. This is a guide for the 'A Valuable Lesson' quest: insert your star caps with Festus, and when he gives you the option of claiming another prize, because knowing where and how Sunset Sarsaparilla originated just isn't doing it for you. You walk up the stair case (on the West side of the factory where the production line is), go forward into the hall and turn left, take the very first right, and right again because you have to. Go all the way down to the end of the hall, and there should be a hole in the ground for you to drop down into. And outside of that room, there is a red double door, and you've found it!---you can also get to the 2nd floor by jumping up on the fallen down floor board that's in the big room with all the cubicles.

-There are a ton of Sunset Sarsaparilla Deputy Badges (i've found 315), and I haven't found any use for them at all. [another useless item i've found in a different place is Counterfeit Bottle Caps]

Thursday, April 14

Hannah - Most Anticipated

There are a few games set to release this year, some of which have already been release. Such as Pokemon, Dragon Age 2 and Sims Medieval (all of which Vee and I have acquired). Though, the one game I am looking forward to the most, above Dragon Age 2 even, is Biowares Mass Effect 3. I originally played Mass Effect 2 right after it came and haven't stopped playing it since. Once in a while I stick it in and make a new Shepard and I still find it as entertaining as the first time, if not more so. I admit I hadn't played ME1, but after beating ME2 multiple times I decided it was necessary to play the original. I did so and it was amazing. Though I still favor ME2.
ME3 I anticipate to be just as good, if not better. The Mass Effect trilogy is by far the best game series in my opinion. Here is an IGN article talking about the basics known about Mass Effect 3 so far.

I want to marry Bioware.

Wednesday, April 6

Hannah - new addiction?

As we all probably know, I am an MMORPG nerd. World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, EVE....etc. But recently I have discovered a new MMORPG, though this one is a little different from anything I have sen before. Dead Frontier. A survival horror MMORPG based around, yes, ZOMBIES! The game is free to play, free to download and, obviously, available to play with friends. There is PVP (player vs player for you noober goobers). There are clans (similar to guilds and kinships).

The game has been out since 2008, which means its gained it far share of players (over 800,000 currently). It seems expansive, exciting, and engaging (Yeah, that's right! I used all words starting with "E" deal with it). Yet, I haven't quite decided if I want to try it yet, but eventually we all know I will. I will become addicted for a period of time (approx 3-6 months), like all MMOs I encounter.

I seriously need to subscribe to some gaming magazines. I'm so out of the loop on games these days.

Friday, March 4

Hannh - Gotta Catch 'em all

I recently said something along the lines of "I don't think I'll buy the next Pokemon game they release." Though recently (I'm late on these bandwagons, remember) I have also found out Pokemon Black and White are to be released tomorrow aka March 5th March 6th. >:[ And of course, being the obsessive buyer I am, I have teased myself with pre-ordering it. AND of course, being a good girl, I have refused. BUUUUTTT, tomorrow I fully intend on going to GameStop or such shop to make yet another Pokemon purchase. How could you not get this version with the new Pokemon like Purrloin, Minccino and Deerling!?!?!!


Monday, February 28

Hannah - Useless heroes

Thought you might all enjoy reading this little article. I don't agree that Tails upstages Sonic. I'm a Shadow fan.
6 Video Game Heroes Made Useless By Supporting Characters

Hannah - Young old timer

Unfortunately lately I have been a little behind on the gaming bandwagon. I'm not one big on releases apart from Fable, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. So technically I am big on releases, but only for games I am UTTERLY stoked about. Halo is not one of those games. Halo Reach has yet to grace the screen of my television. To my dismay I find myself yearning to play it recently. So this weekend be ready. Halo Reach, I'm coming for you. My thoughts and review to come.

This Monday I want to present some of the games the introduced games to my life. First, my family was poor as a child so the first console we got was the Sega Dreamcast. Back then I loved that thing and soon after we got our first gen XBOX. On the Dreamcast my game of choice was Sonic Adventure. To this day I love it and recently downloaded it to my 360. A short list of games I loved as a child: Pokemon Red, Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, Donkey Kong Country, and the Sims.
To this day I'm a Pokemon child through and through.

Song of the Week
Who Knows Who Cares, Local Natives

Vee - An App a Day Keeps the DRoid Away.

This week I will be commenting about apps, mostly games, on the iPhone. I'll be referring to the Game Center, which you should have if youhave the latest update of this phone. Its much like xbox achievements, plus it shows your ranking amongst all the other players for that specific game.

->Monday: Dino Rush (free)
This game is one of best free games you can play. There are 12 achievements you can attain in this game, which add to your Game Center if you have the latest update of the iPhone. Most of the achievements will keep you occupied, and are pretty attainable if you put time into it. It's more of a time waster, but is very enjoyable. Can get a little frustrating because it is a free game, and isn't all that developed.

Wednesday, February 23

Vee - Intro

I should be studying right now, but of course, i'd rather be gaming. Currently i'm working on Fallout: New Vegas. Never thought i'd enjoy the Fallout games, but I was very wrong. One could say I'm obsessed.

26 days until Sims Medieval is released if anyone is interested.

Also, check out this band i just came across. They're great for just relaxing and listening to some tunes ---->The Xx

That's all for now.
