Thursday, April 14

Hannah - Most Anticipated

There are a few games set to release this year, some of which have already been release. Such as Pokemon, Dragon Age 2 and Sims Medieval (all of which Vee and I have acquired). Though, the one game I am looking forward to the most, above Dragon Age 2 even, is Biowares Mass Effect 3. I originally played Mass Effect 2 right after it came and haven't stopped playing it since. Once in a while I stick it in and make a new Shepard and I still find it as entertaining as the first time, if not more so. I admit I hadn't played ME1, but after beating ME2 multiple times I decided it was necessary to play the original. I did so and it was amazing. Though I still favor ME2.
ME3 I anticipate to be just as good, if not better. The Mass Effect trilogy is by far the best game series in my opinion. Here is an IGN article talking about the basics known about Mass Effect 3 so far.

I want to marry Bioware.

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